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Siamo alla 6° edizione del festival del pesce azzurro! Un evento ormai consolidato nel tempo, un evento che racchiude la vera essenza delle tradizioni, della buona musica, del buon cibo, fresco ed a km 0.Acciughe e sarde sono le regine della manifestazione, il pesce "povero" del borgo antico di #Marzamemi, ma allo stesso tempo ricco, di proprietà salutari e di storia.Il festival, nei tre giorni, racchiude l'enogastronomia con Vini in Tonnara, eccellenze del territorio, artigianato raffinato, concorsi di cucina per professionisti, spettacoli e momenti di scambi culturali. Beh non si può spiegare a parole, dovete VIVERLO!VI ASPETTIAMO ?????#STAYTUNED #Workinprogress 28 29 e 30 AGOSTO a Marzamemi ! info 3920912515


Festa della Musica in Marzamemi is a music event that has been promoted by the Mibact!Don't take any appointment, a day in the name of good music, fun and a lot of people. Bands of every genre will be performing one after another!
CONCORSO DI CUCINA CALDA "CUCINIAMO AZZURRO" The entires for the cooking competition "Cuciniamo Azzurro" are now open! With the following link you can download the necessary files to proceed with the subscription: guidelines, subscription form and the example of a recipe ( For more info, call the number 3476534384.
INTERNATIONAL FASHION SHOW. For the first time in the anchient village of Marzamemi, an international fashion event that will show you the works of four different foreign artists. Sunday 14 July 2019, starting from 9:00 p.m. @ Regina Margherita Square. For more info, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at 3920912515
VITALIANO BRANCATI FESTIVAL - PACHINO. December 5th - 6th; December 11th - 12th; Click on the images to find out the program and how to partecipate!
LA BEFANA VIEN DAL MARE The Epiphany in Marzamemi is magical!The old lady with her broom comes from the sea bringing along sweets and candies. Inside of the ancient Tonnara, a show for children will entertain the youngests!


About Us

The Pro Loco Marzamemi is a voluntary association, of a privatistic nature, non-profit, with a value of public social utility, and with relevance of public interest.



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