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FISHING-TOURISM ITINERARY: BETWEEN FISHING AND COASTAL WONDERSDEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL AT PORTOPALO DI CAPO PASSERO The culture of the sea and its resources, the enhancement of the fish and marine heritage, the defense of the biocenosis, pass through the fishing industry: a supplementary activity to the daily fishing that takes place on board fishing boats or small craft fishing. It was initially born as an opportunity to integrate the income of the fishermen who practice it, upon authorization, by hosting on board their boats people different from their crew for the carrying out of tourist - recreational activities. In this way it is possible to observe the professional or sport fishing techniques, the use of baits or special hooks, but above all participate in the spread of a culture of the sea, for a sustainable fishing that respects measures, places, methodologies and fishing times . Fishing tourism can be carried out throughout the year, including holidays and favorable weather and sea conditions, in some cases even at night. The activity is open to everyone, even those under 14 if accompanied by a responsible adult. This itinerary has as a starting point the fishing port of Portopalo di Capo Passero, it being…
RELIGIOUS ITINERARY: THE WAY OF FAITHAMONG THE CATHEDRAL OF AVOLA AND THE CHURCH OF POZZALLO The church has always been the center of aggregation of the Christian peoples, especially in the smaller countries, where the communities used to gather together for the festivities addressed to the patron saint of the place. Knowing the major churches of the towns also means understanding the historical - cultural evolution of their inhabitants. The Mother Church of Avola is dedicated to San Sebastiano. It was built immediately after the disastrous earthquake of 1693. High over 50 meters for 30 meters of depth, it has three entrances corresponding to the three naves, of which the central one is the largest. The side aisles are formed by four side arches and as many altars. The Patron Saint of Avola is instead the virgin and martyr Santa Venera, for whom every year on the last Sunday of July a solemn celebration is celebrated. And eight days later, the simulacrum of the Saint, just as it wants an ancient religious tradition - seafaring, is carried on board a boat for a procession in the sea, followed by many sailors, fishermen and faithful. The procession touches the beaches and…
CULTURAL ITINERARY: UNESCOBETWEEN NIGHT AND POZZALLO. The Terre dei due Mari hosts two important recognitions of Unesco: the one linked to the Baroque sites of the Val di Noto, where the towns rebuilt after the disastrous earthquake of 1693 preserve admirable examples of chiselling art and that linked to the Mediterranean Diet, included as Intangible Heritage Unesco in 2010. The Unesco itinerary revolves around the Cathedral of Noto, an undisputed example of Baroque art but above all a symbol of strength, tenacity, courage and stubbornness of a people that does not surrender to fate but reacts, fights and rebuilds, still more firmly than before. This splendid example of culture, history and art comes from a set of knowledge, practices and traditions that are also found in the way of eating typical of the Mediterranean diet. A food style characterized by a nutritional model that has remained constant over time, inextricably linked to the territory, to agricultural production, crops, harvesting, fishing, breeding, conservation, transformation, preparation and consumption of food. The territory between Avola and Pozzallo contains some of the exclusive products of the Mediterranean Diet. Olive oil, vegetables, fish, fresh and dried fruit are foods rich in beneficial substances, Omega3, vitamins…
HISTORICAL ITINERARY: GUARD TOWERS, FORTRESSES AND HEADLIGHTSBETWEEN TORRE SVEVA (VENDICARI) AND TORRE CABRERA (POZZALLO) The towers that existed along the coastline of the Terre dei due Mari played a fundamental role. Their strategic position made it a unique and privileged point of sight. All the coastline and the sea facing were in sight, in defense of pirate raids. Guard towers, forts, chargers, were solid structures built to withstand external attacks and to last. Thanks to this some of them have been perfectly preserved, and today they tell us stories and legends of a mythical past. Inside the Vendicari Reserve, as if to protect the territory behind it, the Sveva Tower shows off. Presumably built around the XIII century AD, the tower would have had the temporary function of a loader, a deposit of foodstuffs arriving or leaving the small port of Vendicari. Known in fact, according to a document dated 1396, he was allowed to market foodstuffs through the airport of the current nature reserve. The tower looks like a large building, with a rectangular plan, composed of large blocks of limestone. On the top the corners have corbels, added later, probably built to hold the balconies to accommodate the…
SNORKELING ITINERARY: AMONG THE ROCKY FUNDS BETWEEN CAPONEGRO (AVOLA) AND CIRICA (ISPICA) There are over 90 kilometers of coastline of the Terre dei due Mari. From Avola to Pozzallo to the incredible beaches of fine sand alternate beautiful rocky coasts, with high cliffs that rise above the sea. They often hide caves and rock coves, whose waters are blue and limpid. It is no coincidence, in fact, that lovers of "snorkeling" seek places away from sands and fluvial contributions, because being devoid of sandy suspension the waters of the sea are also more clear and clean, thus ensuring excellent visibility. These places become the perfect destination to explore small rocks and small caves, admiring submerged flora and fauna without necessarily being experienced divers. The places designated for snorkeling are numerous and scattered throughout the coast. CAPONEGROBeautiful seaside resort north-east of Avola. A splendid rocky inlet, with a small iron ladder that facilitates entry into the water. Large rocky blocks also allow the support of the equipment during the dressing. Non-sandy seabed, rich in rocks encrusted with balanidae, limpets and sea urchins, fauna rich in crustaceans (above all crabs) and small fish of the coast. It is not uncommon to come…
ITINERARY THE ROUTE OF THE TUNA BORGO DI MARZAMEMI A subtle "fil rouge", red like those tuna that for over a thousand years return in the small bay of Marzamemi, tells the whole story of this village. Marsa al Hamen is the most characteristic seaside village of this territory and keeps intact some characteristics of the sea country, buildings and artefacts that still preserve the flavor of history and of the fish and artisanal evolution. At Marzamemi we still work tuna, always, with the same patience, care and loving dedication that has been handed down for generations. at the beginning of 1600 the Prince of Villadorata, having already acquired land and buildings, gave a vital impulse to the area: building the whole village around the opificio, extending the warehouses, creating houses for fishermen, the church and its enchanting palace noble. From that moment, Marzamemi began to teem with artisan life: sailors, fishermen, rope makers, "caulkers" (those who repaired boats used for fishing), gutters, salters, "horsemen" (fishmongers on carriages pulled by big horses). A primordial network united these activities in a unique and absolutely necessary way: one was propedeutic to the other, everything took place in absolutely perfect times and ways.…
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The Pro Loco Marzamemi is a voluntary association, of a privatistic nature, non-profit, with a value of public social utility, and with relevance of public interest.



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